Vibrational energy relaxation of the bend fundamental of dilute water in liquid chloroform and d-chloroform

Title Vibrational energy relaxation of the bend fundamental of dilute water in liquid chloroform and d-chloroform
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2008
Authors Lin YS, Ramesh SG, Shorb JM, Sibert, Edwin L. III, Skinner JL
Journal Journal of Physical Chemistry B
Volume 112
Pagination 390-398
Date Published Jan
Accession Number ISI:000252287200024
Keywords carbon-tetrachloride, chemical-reactions, Chemistry, Physical, computer-simulation, condensed-phase, diatomic-molecules, molecular-dynamics simulation, neutron-scattering, oh stretch, potential functions, temperature-dependence
Abstract The population lifetimes of the bend fundamental of dilute water in liquid chloroform (8.5 ps) and d-chloroform (28.5 ps) display an interesting solvent isotope effect. As the lowest excited vibrational state of the molecule, the water bend fundamental relaxes directly to the ground state with about 1600 cm(-1) of energy released to the other degrees of freedom. The strong solvent isotope effect along with the large energy gap indicates the participation of solvent vibrational modes in this vibrational energy relaxation process. We calculate the vibrational energy relaxation rates of the water bend in chloroform and d-chloroform using the Landau-Teller formula with a new potential model developed and parametrized self-consistently to describe the chloroform-water interaction. The computed values are in reasonable agreement with the experimental results, and the trend for the isotope effect is correct. It is found that energy transfer to the solvent vibrations does indeed play an important role. Nevertheless, no single dominant solvent accepting mode can be identified; the relaxation appears to involve both the bend and the C-CI stretches, and frequency changes of all of these modes upon deuteration contribute to the observed solvent isotope effect.
Short Title J. Phys. Chem. B
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