Distributed Gaussian polynomials and associated Gaussian quadratures

Title Distributed Gaussian polynomials and associated Gaussian quadratures
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 1997
Authors Karabulut H, Sibert EL
Journal Journal of Mathematical Physics
Volume 38
Pagination 4815-4831
Date Published Sep
ISBN Number 0022-2488
Accession Number WOS:A1997XW13200031
Abstract An orthogonal function set called distributed Gaussian orthogonal polynomials is constructed from equally spaced Gaussians and the corresponding quadrature is studied. The infinite chain limit of both polynomials and the quadrature is studied and analytical expressions are found for polynomials, quadrature points, weights, and Lagrange functions. The connections to Wannier functions are explored, and a way of constructing Wannier functions from Gaussians is proposed. (C) 1997 American Institute of Physics.
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